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Unemployment Insurance (SANED)

Unemployment Insurance (Saned)

In pursuit of the integration of the social insurance laws in the Kingdom, the Royal Decree no. (M18) was issued on 12/03/1435 AH, approving the insurance scheme against unemployment “SANED”, which shall be applied to all Saudis under age of fifty nine subjected to the Annuities Branch under the social insurance laws. the scheme is based on the patronage of the Saudi worker and his family during the period of unemployment for such reasons out of his control, where the program is intended to bridge the transitional gap between the previous job and the opportunity to obtain a new job, by providing a minimum income to provide him and his family a decent living as well as to provide the necessary training and help him find another job.
SANED scheme which shall be applied as of 01/11/1435 AH for such facilities that follow the Hijri Calendar and from 01/09/2014 AD for such facilities follow the Georgian Calendar is one of helping tools that assist in substitution, in addition to such scheme is applied in most countries of the world and is considered one of the mechanisms for managing work market and achieving social positives with multiple security and economic dimensions and will help in addressing the current and future conditions.
Article 1
The following words and expressions, wherever mentioned in this Law, shall have the meanings assigned thereto, unless the context requires otherwise: 
Ministry : Ministry of Labor. 
Minister: Minister of Labor. 
Law : Unemployment Insurance Law. 
Organization: General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI).
Board of Directors : The Board of Directors of GOSI. 
Regulations :Implementing Regulations of this Law. 
Unemployment: :A worker's loss of employment through no fault of his own despite being able and willing to work and actively seeking work.
Compensation: Financial benefits provided under this Law. 
Employed : Any natural or corporate person covered by this Law who employs one or more  workers satisfying conditions set forth herein.
Contributor :Any person, male or female, covered by this law.
Beneficiary : An unemployed contributor satisfying the requirements for receiving compensation in accordance with this Law.
Article 2 
Unemployment insurance shall be deemed a branch of social insurance and shall guarantee payment of compensation to unemployed contributors in accordance with the provisions stipulated thereunder. 
Article 3 
1.This Law shall apply to all Saudi workers without discrimination on the basis of gender, provided that the worker is under the age of fifty-nine at the time this Law enters into force. 
2. A worker's contribution shall terminate upon reaching the age of sixty. 
3. Subject to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, this Law shall apply to any person covered by the Annuities Branch under the Social Insurance Law. 

Article 4 
1.Employers shall comply with this Law and its Regulations. The application of the Law and the Regulations shall commence on the date the conditions provided for therein are satisfied by the contributor. 
2.The Regulations shall specify the manner of registration with GaS I for employers and contributors covered by this Law. 
Article 5 
GOSI shall coordinate with the Ministry in applying this Law. The coordination shall be as follows: 
1.GOSI shall have the following responsibilities: 
a. Register contributors and collect contributions. 
b. Pay compensation to beneficiaries. 
c. Manage and invest the account designated by this Law. 
d. Verify satisfaction of the conditions provided for in Article 8(l)(a, b, d, and g) and Article 15(1) (a, b, h and i) of this Law. 
2.The Ministry, or any public or private entity assigned thereby, shall have the following responsibilities: 
a. Register unemployed contributors. 
b. Provide necessary training. 
c. Verify satisfaction of the conditions provided for in Article 8(1) (c, e, f, h, i, j and k) and Article 15(1) (c, d, e, f and g) of this Law. 
Article 6 
Pursuant to a decision by the Minister, a committee comprising representatives of the Ministry and GOSI shall be formed to coordinate between both parties in implementing the provisions of this Law. The Regulations shall specify the rules governing the work of said committee. 
Article 7 
Subscriptions in these Regulations are determined by a decision of the Department of Economic and Development Affairs based on a proposal from the Minister after expressed of opinion by Board of Directors, according to a mechanism specified by the regulation, with a percentage not exceeding  of (2%) of the contributory wage  and not less than (0,5%), provided that, the employer pays half of the specified subscription monthly, and the subscriber pays the other half of specified subscription.

Article 8 
1.  A contributor may receive the compensation provided for herein upon satisfaction of the following: 
a. Be a Saudi citizen; 
b. Complete the period specified in Article 14 hereof. 
c. Not have been dismissed from work due to a fault of his own. 
d. Does not have any income from private business. 
e. Not to have willingly left employment. 
f. Be able to work. 
g. Not to have reached the age of sixty. 
h. Be registered with the Ministry. 1. Be actively seeking employment. 
J. Be committed to the training specified by the Ministry. 
k. Comply with instructions and directions issued by the Ministry. 
2. The Regulations shall specify the application of the preceding paragraph. 
Article 9 
A beneficiary shall be entitled to compensation from the first day of the month following the date on which the conditions provided for in Article 8 hereof are satisfied, provided that his registration is within the period set forth in Article 10 of this Law. 
Article 10 
1.  A contributor must register with the Ministry within 90 days from the date 
on which an employment covered by this Law is terminated. 
2.  A beneficiary must notify the Ministry within a period not exceeding seven days from the date of any of the following: 
A. Not satisfying any of the conditions for compensation. 
B. Any change in the data and information provided to the Ministry. 
3. The employer shall provide the Ministry with the requested information concerning the contributor's employment and reasons for termination thereof. 
Article 11 
1. The compensation provided for in this Law shall be equal to 60 percent of the average monthly contributory wages for each month of the first three months and 50 percent of said average for each additional month. 
2.The average monthly contributory wage shall be equal to one twenty-fourth of the total wages for the last twenty-four months of contribution. 
Article 12 
1.The maximum amount of compensation shall be nine thousand riyals for each of the first three months and seven thousand and five hundred riyals for each additional month. 
2.If the amount of compensation provided for in Article 11 is less than the benefit paid to job seekers - under the Law - it shall be increased to be equivalent to said amount, provided that the compensation does not exceed 100 percent of the average monthly contributory wage. 
Article 13 
The maximum period for payment of compensation shall be twelve consecutive or non-consecutive months per each eligible case, provided that said period does not exceed twelve months during each twenty-four consecutive months from the date of first payment of compensation made within said period. 
Article 14 
A beneficiary shall be eligible for compensation if employed in a job covered by this Law, in accordance with the following: 
1. First-time compensation if the beneficiary is employed for a period not less than twelve months within the thirty-six-month period preceding the first claim. 
2. Second-time compensation if the beneficiary is employed again for a period not less than eighteen months within the thirty-six-month period preceding the second claim. 
3. Third-time compensation if the beneficiary is employed again for a period not less than twenty-four months within the thirty-six-month period preceding the third claim. 
4. Further compensation if the beneficiary is employed again for a period not less than thirty-six months within the forty-eight-month period preceding the last claim. 
For purposes of this Article, a compensation claim shall be deemed anew if the beneficiary receives a compensation for the maximum period stipulated in Article 13 of this Law. 

Article 15 
1. Compensation shall be immediately suspended in any of the following cases: 
a. Upon death of the beneficiary. 
b. If the beneficiary has a monthly income from employment. 
c. If the beneficiary becomes unable to work. 
d.If the beneficiary ceases to be registered with the Ministry. 
e.If the beneficiary ceases to actively seek employment. 
f. If the beneficiary fails to commit to training without an acceptable justification. 
g. If the beneficiary fails to comply with instructions and directives issued by the Ministry. 
h. If the beneficiary leaves the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 
i. If the beneficiary reaches the age of sixty and is eligible to receive pension under the Social Insurance Law. 
j. If any of the eligibility conditions provided for in Article 8 of this Law ceases to be satisfied. 
2. If, after suspending the compensation in any of the cases specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, the ground for such suspension ceases to exist compensation payments shall be resumed from the beginning of the month subsequent to the date of notifying the Ministry of the same, provided such notification is made within 90 days from the date the ground for suspension ceases to exist. 
The necessary provisions for applying the two preceding paragraphs shall be stipulated by the Regulations. 
Article 16 
The Regulations shall specify the method for calculating contribution months registered for the benefit of the contributor. 
Article 17 
Contributor's age shall be determined by his birth certificate or a certificate issued by the component authority in accordance with the law. 
Article 18 
Employer's failure to pay the relevant contributions shall not prejudice the beneficiary's entitlement to compensation under this Law. 
Article 19 
A beneficiary may combine the compensation provided for in this Law with the following compensations under the Social Insurance Law: 
1. Lump sum or one-time compensation payable to the beneficiary under the Occupational Hazards and Annuities Branches. 
2. Benefits payable to the beneficiary under the Occupational Hazards Branch. 
3. Pensions payable to the beneficiary as a family member under the Annuities Branch. 
Article 20 
The Regulations shall specify procedures and schedule of compensation payments. 
Article 21 
The compensation provided for in this Law may not be garnished nor assigned except under the same conditions applicable to wages stipulated in the Labor Law. 
Article 22 
1. Inspectors from GOSI and the Ministry, according to their jurisdictions, shall oversee the implementation of this Law as stipulated herein. Employers and their representatives shall provide access to such inspectors to obtain information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties, as well as access to records relating to the nature of work, number of workers, their wages and method of calculation and payment of such wages. Obstructing or hindering inspectors from performing their duties shall be subject to penalties provided for under the Labor Law
2. Inspectors shall report violations, if any, to GOSI or the Ministry who shall take all necessary measures to verify and investigate such violations and act accordingly. 
3. Inspectors and other employees of GOSI and the Ministry shall observe proper conduct and maintain confidentiality of information they become privy to in the course of their employment. They may not, under any circumstances, disclose or disseminate such information to parties other than the competent departments of GOSI or the Ministry. GOSI or the Ministry shall impose necessary penalties, in accordance with the law, against any of their respective employees in violation of this provision. 

Article 23 
1. Employers, contributors and anyone acting on their behalf may object to any decision issued by any competent department at GOSI with regard to its duties under this Law. Objections shall be filed with the following: 
a. The Governor of GOSI with regard to decisions made by directors of any of its branch offices. 
b. The Board of Directors with regard to decisions made by the Governor. 
2. Employers, contributors and anyone acting on their behalf, whose objections are dismissed, may file a complaint with the judicial authority having jurisdiction to consider labor disputes. 
Article 24 
1. Employers, contributors and anyone acting on their behalf may, in accordance with objection procedures applicable in the Ministry, object to any decision issued by any competent department at the Ministry regarding the application of this Law. 
2. Employers, contributors and anyone acting on their behalf, whose objections filed with the Ministry are dismissed, may file an appeal with the component judicial authority. 
Article 25 
1. A fine not exceeding ten thousand riyals shall be imposed on employers violating any provision of this Law and the Regulations. The fine shall be doubled in the case of repeated violations and shall be multiplied by the number of contributors against whom an employer commits one or more violations. 
2. Without prejudice to any harsher penalty provided for in any other law, a fine not exceeding two thousand riyals shall be imposed on anyone who willfully provides false information in order to unlawfully obtain compensation for a third party. The fine shall be doubled in the case of repetition. 
3. Without prejudice to any harsher penalty provided for in any other law, a fine not exceeding the amount of compensation unlawfully obtained shall be imposed on anyone who provides false information in order to obtain compensation. In addition, the offender shall repay the compensation paid to him
4. Investigation committees shall be formed in the branch offices of GOSI or the Ministry to review violations and determine penalties. 
5. A decision imposing the fine provided for in the preceding paragraphs shall be issued by the Minister of Labor or Governor of GOSI, according to their jurisdictions. The aggrieved party may appeal said decision within thirty days from the date of notification, pursuant to Articles 23 and 24 of this Law, as the case may be. 
6. Fines provided for in this Article may not be imposed for violations dating back five or more years. 
7. Proceeds from fines provided for in this Article shall be deposited in the account designated by this Law. 
Article 26 
Any agreement or settlement conflicting with the provisions of this Law made by parties covered thereby shall be deemed void if detrimental to the rights of contributors or if it imposes additional obligations thereon. 
Article 27 
Matters not covered by this Law shall be subject to the Social Insurance Law, to the extent that it is consistent with this Law. 
Article 28 
Upon approval by the Board of Directors, the Minister shall issue the Regulations within sixty days from the date of publication of this Law. The Regulations shall be published in the Official Gazette. 
Article 29 
This Law shall enter into force from the first day of the month following the lapse of one hundred and eighty days from the date of its publication in the Official Gazette. 
Article (1)
The following terms and phrases - wherever stated in these Regulations - shall mean the meanings given to them unless the context requires otherwise:
Law: unemployment insurnace law.
Disruption of work: loss of the worker to work for reasons beyond his will with his ability to work, and desire, and look for him.
Compensation: The cash benefits provided by the system.
Ministry: Ministry of Labor.
Institution: General Organization for Social Insurance.
Fund: Human Resources Development Fund.
Board of Directors: Board of Directors of the General Organization for Social Insurance.
Minister: Minister of Labor.
Governor: Governor of the General Organization for Social Insurance.
Employer: Any person of a natural or legal nature to whom the law applies - uses one or more workers who meet the conditions stipulated in the Law.
Contributor: Anyone who is subject to the law, a man or woman.
Beneficiary: The unemployed participant who has the conditions of entitlement to compensation in accordance with the provisions of the Law.
Job seekers database: the database of applicants for the Fund.
Article (2)
In the application of the provisions of paragraphs (1) and (2) of Article (3) of the law, the age of the worker shall be at the beginning of the application of the law to him under the age of fifty-ninth and shall cease his participation if he reaches the age of sixty on the job. Before he reaches the age of fifty-ninth and then returned to work subject to the law at the age of fifty-ninth and above and under the age of sixty apply to the law at the date of return taking into account the suspension of participation if he reaches the age of sixty on the job.
The law shall be applied on a mandatory basis to the Saudis who are subject to the pension branch under the social insurance law according to the following details:
1. Subject to the law:
(A) Workers who have an contractual relationship with the employer to perform a work mainly in the Kingdom for a remuneration, whatever the nature, form or duration of the relationship, and regardless of the amount of remuneration paid or of its kind.
(B) Workers who work outside the Kingdom for the account of an employer domiciled within the Kingdom, whenever a working relationship between them and the employer is established.
C) Employees in government agencies and public institutions, who are not subject to the civil or military pension law.
2. Excluded categories:
Civil and military civil servants who are subject to pension regulations, and this exception does not extend to pensioners who are eligible to participate in the law.
(B) Workers in any of the States of the Gulf Cooperation Council under the common law for the extension of insurance protection.
(C) Workers employed in agricultural, forestry or grazing work: means those engaged in forestry, cultivation of the land, guarding the crop, operation or repair of agricultural machinery. This exemption shall not extend to workers who are engaged in such activities if they are among the following categories:
1- Those who work in agricultural establishments that manufacture their products.
2. Subject to the Labor Law.
3 - Employees in government agencies and public institutions.
4 - Employees in companies established according to the provisions of the companies law, or foreign investment law.
5 - Employees in individual institutions according to the controls determined by the governor.
D - Seafarers: means workers who work over sea vessels for transport or fishing, and does not extend this exemption to the workers in those activities if they are of the following categories:
1. Employees at the employer's premises, who have taken or are engaged in maritime work or hunting, and in the event of any transfer to the maritime business by the same employer, shall continue to benefit the system when it has been applied to it.
2 - Seafarers who work in marine facilities that manufacture what their vessels hunt, and the governor defines the concept of manufacturing intended by this provision.
3 - subject to the labor law.
4 - Employees in government agencies and public institutions.
5- Employees in companies established according to the provisions of the Companies Law or the foreign investment system.
6 - Employees in individual institutions according to the controls determined by the governor.
(E) Domestic servants: They are meant for domestic workers.
(F) Artisans who work for themselves and do not use any workers. Their place of employment is their residence.
G) Members of the family of the employer who work in family enterprises that are not employed by other workers: They are the family members stipulated in paragraph (8) of Article (2) of the Social Insurance Law.
The exception to the categories provided for in paragraphs (c) to (e) may not be subject to future regulation by a decision of the Minister upon the approval of the Board of Directors.
Article (3)
1- The registration shall be registered in the institution for both employers and subscribers subject to the system in accordance with the same registration provisions stipulated in the Registration Regulations and Contributions to the Social Insurance Law in accordance with the nature of the provisions of the Law,
A / Registration in accordance with the provisions of the registration regulations and contributions to the social insurance system is sufficient to register in the law.
(B) The time limit for the employer to register his workers or the worker specified for the registration of himself in the case of the employer's waiver may not exceed that of any period of work.
2- The rules of the establishments that are terminated shall be determined in accordance with the same rules specified in the registration regulations and contributions to the social insurance law.
Article (4)
Shall be applied in respect of the performance of contributions provided for in the Law with the provisions of the Registration and Contributions Regulations of the Social Insurance law in accordance with the nature of the provisions of the Law.
Article (5)
The age of the participant shall be recorded at the start of the subscription as required by the provisions of Article (17) of the Law and the provisions specified in the Registration and Subscription Regulations of the Social Insurance law
Article (6)
In the application of the provisions of Article (8) of the Law, the following shall be observed:
1- The Saudi nationality requirement shall be validated by the law issued by the competent authority.
2. The required subscription periods shall be provided at each time of the entitlement as specified in Article (14) of the Law.
3. The age of the participant at the date of registration with the Fund shall be less than 60 years.
(4) Shall not have income from work. The income from work shall mean all that the Subscriber receives for his work with one or more employers, whether in the public or private sector.
(5) It shall not have a restricted activity, and the special activity shall mean, but not be limited to, any of the following cases:
A) Own individual establishment.
B- The partnership in any of the companies according to what is established in the company's system or its constituent contract and any amendments thereto.
(C) obtaining a license to engage in an activity;
(D) Non-Saudi workers on co-sponsorship except for domestic workers, parents, husband or wife, sons and daughters.
6. The condition (the contributor has not been dsismissed from work due to a fault of his own) contributor has not been dismissed  by the provisions of Article (80) of the Labor Law.
7. A condition (not to have willingly left employment) means that he or she will not be dismissed because of resignation.
8. The Fund shall determine the extent of the participant's ability to work. The Fund may, without prejudice to decisions issued by the medical committees provided for in the Social Insurance Law, refer any participant applying for compensation or any beneficiary of compensation to any governmental or private hospital or medical center for conducting the tests. Or to require the participant or beneficiary to submit a medical report issued by a public hospital that proves its ability to work.
9. In the application of Article (1), (k), paragraph (1), of Article (8) of the Law, the contributor shall comply with each of the following times of compensation:
A. Attend and pass the educational and training courses determined by the Fund, including distance training.
B / Visit his electronic file in the database of job seekers as determined by the Fund.
(C) Attendance at the scheduled time for conducting interviews with business owners or with governmental or private entities as specified by the Fund.
D) Accepting the suitable offers of work presented to him by the Fund or by any interested party from the Fund as determined by the Fund.
(E) Attendance with the Fund or any agency authorized by the Fund to obtain training, training or employment services as determined by the Fund.
And / or comply with the instructions and directives specified by the Fund.
10. The Fund shall, in accordance with the mechanism specified by it, give notice to the beneficiary in the event of failure to comply with any of the provisions of paragraph (9) of this Article.
Article (7)
In the application of the provisions of Articles (9 and 10) of the Law, the following shall be observed:
1. The contributor shall register with the Fund no later than ninety (90) days from the date of leaving the work subject to the law in accordance with the mechanism and documents specified by the Fund.
2- The coordination between the organization and the Fund shall be carried out to verify the availability of the conditions of entitlement to compensation provided for in Article 8 of the Law as follows:
(A) The organization shall verify that the contributor has met the following conditions:
- To be a Saudi national in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) of Article (6) of these Regulations.
- He is still alive.
- He must have the terms of contribution eligible for eligibility in accordance with the provisions of Article (XIV) of the law.
- He must not have attained the age of 60 in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (3) of Article (6) of these regulations.
- Does not have any special activity or income from work in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (4) and (5) of Article (6) of these Regulations.
- has not been dsismissed from work due to a fault of his own in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (6) of Article (6) of these regulations.
- Has not willingly left employment in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (7) of Article (6) of these Regulations.
B) The Fund shall verify that the contributor has met the following conditions:
- Registration with the Fund within (90) days from the date of leaving the work subject to the law.
- The participant's ability to work according to the provisions of paragraph (8) of Article (6) of these regulations.
- Serious research on work and commitment to training and compliance with the instructions and directives as provided for in paragraph (9) of Article (6) of these Regulations.
3. After the provisions of paragraph (2) above, the contributor shall apply to the organization to apply for compensation according to the mechanism and documents specified by the Governor. The date of completion of registration with the Fund shall be the date of availability of the conditions of entitlement.
4. The organization and the Fund shall verify the availability of the conditions of entitlement to compensation to the Beneficiary, each in his own capacity, throughout the period of disbursement of the compensation.
5. The preceding paragraphs shall be complied with at each time of maturity.
Article (8)
In the application of the provisions of paragraph (2) of Article (10) of the law, the beneficiary shall abide by the following:
1- Notification of the Fund within a period not exceeding seven days in the event of any change in the data and information provided to the Fund.
2 - notice of the institution within a period not exceeding seven days in the event of any change of data and other information relating to the application of the provisions of the law.
Article (9)
In the application of the provisions of paragraph (3) of Article (10) of the Law, the reason for determining the reasons for the termination of the employment relationship with regard to the implementation of the provisions of the Law shall be determined by the reasons determined by the employers when the contributor is excluded according to what is stated in the records of the establishment. Which may be determined by the employer, he may resort to the judicial body competent to deal with the labor cases, without prejudice to the right of the institution to impose the penalties stipulated in Article (25) of the law on the employer violating any provision of the regulation and regulation.
Article (10)
If the institution pays the beneficiary amounts in excess of what is due to the law, the institution is entitled in all cases to recover what was disbursed in excess according to the same provisions stipulated in the Pension Pensions Compensation Regulations of the Social Insurance Law.
Article (11)
In the application of Paragraph (1) of Articles (Eleventh and Twelfth) of the Law, the months under which the months of entitlement to compensation are calculated shall be calculated at each time of maturity, whether continuous or intermittent.
Article (12)
In the application of paragraph (2) of Article (Eleven) and Article (13) of the law, the following shall be observed:
1- It applies to the average monthly wages with the provisions stipulated in the Social Insurance Law and its executive regulations.
2. Without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph (3) of this Article, if the Beneficiary returns to work during the one-time period of the entitlement periods, the compensation shall be calculated in case he / she leaves the work, provided that the conditions of entitlement are met on the basis of the participation fee in the last 24 months, Sign up for the last job leave.
3 - Maximum period for the payment of compensation at each time of maturity twelve consecutive months or intermittent during every twenty four consecutive months starting from the date of the first disbursement each time.
Article (13)
In the application of the provisions of paragraph (1) of Article (15) of the law, the payment of compensation for the beneficiary - for each time of the entitlement - shall be suspended in any of the following cases:
1. Death.
2- If he is no longer a Saudi national in accordance with the document issued by the competent authority.
3. If his period of stay outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia exceeds (60) sixty consecutive or intermittent days during the period of payment of the compensation.
4 - If he reaches the age of sixty and was entitled to a pension in accordance with the provisions of the social insurance system, and is considered in the provision of the benefit of the pension from the availability of the period eligible for pension benefit by adding a legal period.
5 - If he has a special activity or income from work in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (4) and (5) of Article (6) of these Regulations.
6 - If he becomes unable to work in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (8) of Article (6) of these Regulations.
7 - If he is no longer registered with the Fund and is not registered in any of the cases to stop the payment of compensation.
8. If three suitable offers of work - consecutive or sporadic - submitted to him by the Fund or any other party in charge of the Fund as determined by the Fund are rejected.
9- In the event that he does not join or not successfully complete any educational or training course, including distance training for four consecutive or different periods, without any excuse accepted by the Fund or the Commissioner from the Fund, the Beneficiary may apologize in advance for enrolling in an educational or training course requested by the Fund Or the Commissioner of the Fund to join it, provided that his apology is based on acceptable reasons as the Fund or the Commissioner of the Fund deems appropriate in this respect. However, the beneficiary may not apologize more than twice during the period of payment of compensation.
10- In the event that he does not attend the dates set by the Fund for personal interviews with employers and governmental and private bodies for four consecutive or sporadic periods without an excuse accepted by the Fund or the Commissioner from the Fund, the Beneficiary may apologize in advance for the personal attendance of the date specified by the Fund or the Commissioner from the Fund To meet employers or representatives of government or private entities, provided that his apology is based on acceptable reasons as the Fund or the Commissioner of the Fund deems appropriate in this regard. However, the beneficiary may not apologize more than twice during the period of payment of compensation.
11. If he does not visit his electronic file in the database of job seekers at least once a week for six weeks - consecutive or sporadic - without an excuse accepted by the Fund.
12 - Not to attend the Fund or any agency authorized by the Fund to obtain the qualification or training or employment services for four times - consecutive or sporadic - without an excuse accepted by the Fund or Commissioner of the Fund, the beneficiary may apologize in advance for the presence of the Fund or the Commissioner of the Fund that the His apology shall be based on acceptable grounds as the Fund or the Commissioner of the Fund deems appropriate in this respect. However, the beneficiary may not apologize more than twice during the period of payment of the compensation.
13. Any situation in which the beneficiary is not serious in the search for work or rehabilitation as determined by the Fund.
14. If any of the conditions for entitlement to compensation cease to exist.
Article (14)
In the application of the provisions of paragraph (2) of Article (15) of the law shall take into account - at each time of maturity - the following:
1. If the suspension of the payment of compensation due to death, the age of 60 with the entitlement to a pension in the Social Insurance Law, or staying outside the Kingdom for more than sixty (60) consecutive or intermittent days, or any of the cases specified in paragraphs 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) of Article 13 of this By-Law shall terminate the relationship between the organization and the Participant in respect of the remaining period of payment of the compensation.
2- If the suspension of the payment of compensation due to the existence of income from work or inability to work, it is necessary to confirm the disappearance of the inhibitor in this case that the contributor register with the Fund within ninety (90) days from the date of leaving the work or the date of restoring his ability to work - Case), and the exchange is resumed in this case - after checking the availability of the rest of the other conditions - from the first month following the registration.
3. If the suspension of the payment of compensation because he is no longer a Saudi national, it is necessary to confirm the disappearance of the impediment in this case, the contirbutor shall register with the Fund within ninety (90) days from the date of the document confirming the return of the nationality issued by the competent authority. - After checking the availability of the rest of the other conditions - from the first month following registration.
4 - If the suspension of payment of compensation due to the existence of a special activity, it is necessary to confirm the disappearance of the inhibitor in this case that the contributor register with the Fund within ninety (90) days from the date of the document fixed for the end of its relationship with this activity issued by the competent authority, - After checking the availability of the rest of the other conditions - from the first month following registration.
5. The contributor shall be required to resume the payment in any of the cases mentioned in paragraphs (2, 3, 4) of this Article to apply to the organization for the payment of compensation according to the mechanism determined by the Governor.
Article (15)
In the application of the provisions of Article (16) of the law, the calculation of the contribution months recorded for the benefit of the subscriber shall be determined in accordance with the stipulations of the pensions branch of the Social Insurance Law.
Article (16)
In the application of the provisions of Article (20) of the law, the following shall be observed:
1- The contributor who satisfies the conditions of entitlement shall apply to the organization to request the payment of compensation according to the mechanism and documents specified by the Governor.
2. Compensation shall be paid from the first month following the date of availability of the conditions of entitlement. Compensation shall be paid in advance from that date, and the payment dates shall not exceed the first week of each month. The Governor may, by a decision of the Governor, provide the date of payment in the circumstances in which he deems it appropriate.
3. The right to compensation shall be terminated by the end of the last day of the month in which the occurrence in which the right to terminate the right occurred.
Article (17)
In the application of the provisions of Article (22) of the Law, the following shall be observed:
1- The inspectors of the establishment shall monitor the application of the law in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the registration regulations and contributions to the Social Insurance Law in accordance with the nature of the law.
2. The Fund shall coordinate with the Ministry to monitor its application of the Law in accordance with the provisions and procedures followed by the Ministry.
Article (18)
The application of the provisions of Article (23) of the Law shall be followed in respect of objections submitted to decisions issued by the organs of the organization in respect of its functions in the application of the Law with the provisions relating to the assets of the submission of objections and the procedures for their consideration provided for in the Registration Regulations and Contributions to the Social Insurance Law.
Article (19)
In the application of the provisions of Article (24) of the Law, it shall follow up on objections submitted to decisions issued by the organs of the Fund in respect of its functions in the application of the law with the provisions relating to the assets of the submission of objections and the procedures of their consideration in force with the Fund.
Article (20)
In the application of the provisions of paragraph (4) of Article (25) of the law, the following shall be observed:
1- The Governor shall appoint one or more committees to investigate violations related to the functions of the organization in applying the provisions of the Law and to determine penalties.
2. The Minister shall form one or more committees to investigate irregularities related to the functions of the Fund in applying the provisions of the Law and to determine penalties.
Article (21)
In the application of the provisions of Article (6) of the Law, a committee from the Ministry, the Fund and the organization shall be formed by three members of the Ministry and the Fund and three members of the organization, including the Chairman of the Committee.
Supervising the application of the provisions of the law.
B- Proposing the amendment to the regulation in order to achieve the necessary requirements for the implementation of the provisions of the law.
C- Coordination between the competent authorities whenever necessary.
The committee shall be responsible for the work of the committee and for convening its meetings. The meeting of the committee shall not be valid unless attended by at least four members. Decisions of the committee shall be issued by a majority of the members present.
Article (22)
These Regulations shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall be effective as of the date specified for the operation of the Law.
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