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Voluntary Contribution

Voluntary Contribution 

1-    المشتغلون بالمهن الحرة، أو الذين يزاولون لحساب أنفسهم، أو بالمشاركة مع غيرهم نشاطاً تجارياً أو صناعياً أو زراعياً أو في مجال الخدمات والحرفيون. 
2-    السعوديون العاملون خارج المملكة دون أن يكونوا مرتبطين بعلاقة عمل مع صاحب عمل مقره الرئيس داخل المملكة.
3-    السعوديون العاملون في البعثات الدولية والأجنبية داخل المملكة الذين لم يخضعوا إلزاميا للنظام. 
4-    كل من توقف اشتراكه الإلزامي في فرع المعاشات ولم تعد تتوفر فيه الشروط المنصوص عليها في النظام. 

The voluntary contribution provides the following benefits:

I: Old-age retirement pension: 
The contributor is entitled to a pension according to the following conditions: 
1.    Attaining the age of sixty or over. 
2.    Ceasing practice of activity, or discontinuing contribution for that who has a previous compulsory contribution period. 
3.    Having a contribution period no less than 120 months.

II: Early retirement pension: 
The contributor is entitled to this pension before reaching the age of sixty according to the following conditions: 
1.    Having a contribution period no less than 300 months. 
2.    Ceasing practice of activity on which he was registered with the scheme, and not practicing any other activity covered by the scheme, or discontinuing to pay contribution for those who have previous compulsory contribution period.3.    Apply for pension payment.

III: Non-occupational disability pension: 
The contributor is deemed disabled if he is totally and permanently unable to perform his usual activity or profession, or any profession or activity suited to his condition, he is entitled to receive a disability pension provided that he meets the following conditions: 
1.    If the contributor started contributing before he reached the age of 50, the disability must has sustained while having a contribution period no less than 12 consecutive months or 18 inconsecutive months after his actual registration date with GOSI. 
2.    If the contributor started contributing before he reached the age of 50 or above, the disability must has sustained while having a contribution period no less than 24 consecutive months or 36 inconsecutive months after his actual registration date with GOSI.
3.    The disability pension is calculated the same way that the retirement pension is calculated, provided that the amount is no less than 50% of the average wage over the last two years. 
4.    If the disability occurred after the contributor leaves employment covered under the scheme and has at least 60 months of contribution, he is entitled to apply for adding the complementary period to reach 120 months. In this case, he will be paid a retirement pension.

IV: Death pension 
The survivors of a deceased contributor are entitled to a pension in the following cases: 
1.    If the pensioner receiving a retirement pension or a non-occupational disability pension died. 
2.    If the contributor started contributing before he reached the age of 50, he must have a contribution period no less than three consecutive months or six inconsecutive months after his actual registration date with GOSI.
3.    If the contributor started contributing at the age of 50 or above, he must have a contribution period no less than 12 consecutive months or 18 inconsecutive months after his actual registration date with GOSI. 
4.    The death pension is calculated with the same method of calculating the non-occupational disability pension. 
5.    In the event of the contributor death after leaving employment covered under the scheme and has a contribution period no less than 60 months, the family members are entitled to apply for adding the complementary period to reach 120 months. In this case, they will be paid a retirement pension.

The minimum pension in paragraphs I, II, III and IV is S.R.1983.75

Rate of contribution
The voluntary contribution applicant chooses an income category from the monthly income schedule which you may review by visiting our Media Publication page, then reviewing the Voluntary Contribution Brochure.The voluntary contributor pays 18% of the desired income category for each contribution month.

Terms of contribution
1.    Apply for contribution on form No. (7/insurance) to GOSI Field Office.
2.    Submit a document from the appropriate authority proving the exercise of such activity for those engaged in activities, trades and professions; a certificate from the Saudi Embassy in the country of residence of the contributor who is employed abroad showing the engagement in employment; a certificate from the foreign international mission in the Kingdom showing that the Saudi citizen (applicant) is working for such a mission. As for the contributor who had a contribution period under the Annuities Branch and was discontinued, he may only submit form No. (7/insurance) within five years from the date when his compulsory contribution discontinued. 
3.    A medical report competed on form No. (24/medical board) approved by a government treatment body or a private treatment body contracting with GOSI. 
4.    A copy of the national identification card or family register.
5. The applicant age must not be less than 18 years or above 60 years.

  1. تقديم نموذج عمليات المشترك الاختياري (كما يمكن تقديم الاشتراك عن طريق موقع المؤسسة عبر النموذج الالكتروني)
  2. تقديم نموذج الإفصاح الطبي.
  3. تقديم المستندات المطلوبة والموضحة في إرشادات نموذج عمليات المشترك الاختياري
  4. ألا يقل سن المشترك عن 18 عاماً ودون 60 عاماً، إلا من كانت لديه مدة اشتراك الزامية سابقة فيحق له تقديم الطلب والاشتراك مهما كان عمره ماعدا المشترك الذي سبق وأن استحق معاشاً عن مدة اشتراك سابقة يشترط أن يكون عمره دون 65 عاماً.

 Modify contribution category or discontinue contribution
1.    The contributor may apply for changing his choice of the contributory income category to the immediately higher or any lower one. In any of the previous two cases, the contributor must submit his application for the change before the beginning of the insurance year. The change will apply in the first month of the next year. 
2.    The contributor may apply for discontinuing his contribution. The discontinuation of his contribution will apply from the first of the next month on which he requested the discontinuation, or from the date he actually discontinues payment of his contributions.

 Method of calculating pension
The retirement pension is calculated by the following formula: 
(Average wage over the last two years of the contribution period × number of contribution months ÷ 480) 

1- الدخول على الموقع الالكتروني للمؤسسة العامة للتأمينات الاجتماعية

2- الدخول على خدمة طلب خدمات الفروع.

3- اختيار نوع المستخدم مشترك.

4- اختيار نوع الطلب تسجيل مشترك اختياري.

5- تعبئة نموذج عمليات المشترك الاختياري ونموذج الإفصاح الطبي بالإضافة إلى المستندات الموضحة بإرشادات نموذج عمليات المشترك الاختياري. للوصول إلى صفحة النماذج التأمينية اضغط هنا

6-  تقديم الطلب بعد إرفاق المستندات المتعلقة بالطلب.

7- ستظهر لك رسالة بنجاح تقديم الطلب, وستصلك رسالة على جوالك المسجل في أبشر موضحاً فيها رقم الطلب.

8- يمكنك تتبع حالة طلبك عن طريق أيقونة متابعة الطلبات